Week of Respect Celebrated Around Schools

Week of Respect Celebrated Around Schools
Posted on 10/12/2021

The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (P.L.2010, c.122) requires that the week beginning with the first Monday in October of each year be designated as the Week of Respect in New Jersey. To recognize the importance of social and emotional learning and character education, school districts are required to observe the week by providing age-appropriate instruction focused on preventing harassment, intimidation and bullying. Montclair recognizes the importance of developing and maintaining positive school climates, providing students with a safe and supportive school environment and encouraging academic success along with increased social and emotional competence. Last week all Montclair schools participated in meaningful classroom and schoolwide activities that focused on character education. Here is just a glimpse from around the district.

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Students at Bullock created Peter the Peacock (pictured above). Each feather represents what makes us unique. Students read “A Peacock among Pigeons,” a story about learning how to stand out when you can’t fit in. It taught our students the importance of celebrating our differences and learning to love the “feather” you live in.  

students sign pledge
During their lunch periods, students at MHS took time to sign the Anti-Bullying pledge.

students draw in chalk  students draw in chalk  student draws in chalk

students draw in chalk  chalk art  students draw in chalk

student draws in chalk  students draw in chalk  students draw in chalk
Pictured above, Northeast and Watchung students enjoyed the fresh air and creating chalk artwork to express themselves and spread positive message.

students in pjs  teacher in pjs  teachers pose in pjs
Staff and students (pictured above) at Hillside dressed up in their favorite comfy clothes and pajamas to “Respect yourself and be comfortable with who you are!”

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Bradford teachers had conversations with students about respect, and then students wrote on sticky notes what respect looks like to them and what it means.
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