Schools Engage in Week of Respect Activities

Schools Engage in Week of Respect Activities
Posted on 10/16/2019

The first week of October is designated as New Jersey’s Week of Respect. New Jersey school districts take this opportunity to recognize the importance of developing and maintaining positive school climates, providing students with a safe and supportive school environment devoid of harassment, intimidation and bullying and encouraging academic success along with increased social and emotional competence. All Montclair schools participated in meaningful classroom and schoolwide activities that focused on character education.


students and staff dressed as superheros

As Being Respectful is one of the Bradford CARES values that is important all year long, the school observed the week by providing age-appropriate activities and instruction focused on character education and bullying prevention. Each day, as part of morning announcements, fifth graders shared an example of how they have shown respect. 
Mon., Oct. 7 - Students defined the word “respect” and discussed how to show respect and what it looks like in all school settings (as well as at home).
Tues., Oct. 8 - Be kind in 1-9! Classes watched “A Simple Hello” and engaged in a discussion about being kind and respectful towards each other. For Mismatch Day students were encouraged to wear mismatched clothes to express that we are all unique and all deserve to be respected despite our differences.
Thurs., Oct. 10 - Stomp out Bullying! The entire school was encouraged to wear a super hero shirt. Classes held discussions focusing on: “If you were a super hero, how would you help the world be a better place?”
Fri., Oct. 11 - On School Spirit Day! students and staff wore Bradford school colors (blue/yellow) to show respect for the school.


respect activities collage

During the week at Bullock, teachers had different activities to do with their classes during morning meeting. Discussions about respect and how to respect all people were had all week long. All students wrote on pieces of paper how they show respect in and around school. Those pieces of paper were displayed on a bulletin board entitled “Radiating Respect” and is in the shape of a sun. The week concluded, as always, with a whole school morning meeting and a respect song that the kindergarteners helped the school sing, recapping what was learned during the week and listened to stories about respect. A story about two students who think each other’s lunch is “gross” and in turn, end up cultivating an international food day at their school was read.  A small movie featuring Bullock students was also shown about what makes them unique.


staff and students wear pjs to school

Mon., Oct. 7 - For National “Stomp Out Bullying” Day, students and staff wore blue to pledge that we stomp out bullying!
Tues., Oct. 8 - To show that everyone counts, students and staff wore a jersey or shirt that has a number on it.
Wed., Oct. 9 - Even though school was closed, students were encouraged to show some respect at home and in your community by listening to their parents, keeping their room clean, helping others and not littering.
Thurs., Oct. 10 - It was “No Drama Pajama Day” which meant putting name calling to bed by wearing pajamas to school.
Fri., Oct 11 - For School Spirit Day, everyone in the school showed their unity by wearing Edgemont spirit wear.

Robin Alvarado, Restorative Justice (RJ) Teacher on Special Assignment led Respect circles along with other RJ-trained district staff/community members: Sade Henry, Gayl Shephard, Candice Pastor, Jon Mancinelli, and Deborah Guzman (Edgemont parent and former PTA President at Edgemont). 

Prior to Week of Respect, Hillside participated in “Start With Hello,” week, an initiative started through the Sandy Hook Promise organization. The week is dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of social isolation. Each day during the week, Hillside highlighted this theme by engaging in activities that help to empower them in creating a culture of inclusion and connectedness. ​During the Week of Respect, Daily Morning Announcements were given with musical selection, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T,” by Aretha Franklin, followed by quotes about how to demonstrate respect for ourselves, others, and the environment. "Special Dress" Days took place all week:
Mon., Oct. 7 - The school held a Kickoff Respect Week by wearing neon to highlight respect.
Tues., Oct. 8 - Everyone showed that respect counts by wearing a jersey or shirt that has a number on it.
Thurs., Oct. 10 - The school wore crazy socks to “Sock it to Bullying.”
Fri., Oct. 11 - On "Hillside Pride" Day everyone wore Hillside gear or blue. In the classrooms, 3rd graders read My Secret Bully by Trudy Ludwig, 4th graders read Say Something by Peggy Moss and 5th graders read Bully by Patricia Polacco. Following the reading, they discussed the roles people play in a bullying situation (bully/accused, victim/target, and witnesses/bystanders), as well as how respect for each other helps to make/keep Hillside a safe place for all. By grade level, emphasis was placed on each of the following topics to connect it to the literature: relational aggression within friendships (3rd), the role of a bystander (4th) and cyberbullying (5th).


week of respect activities

Tues., Oct. 1 - What is Respect? “Throw Kindness Around like Confetti”- Students and staff were encouraged to wear something colorful; Morning Meeting Video; students defined and gave examples of respect and respect at home.
Wed., Oct. 2 - Respect Throughout Nishuane; “Orange you Glad We’re Bully Free”- Students and staff wore orange; Morning Meeting Video; Anchor Chart: Focused on Respect at Home; Utilized the Compassion Project Lessons for Respect in the different environments of the school; As students and staff traveled around the building, they stopped at the respect posters throughout the school and reviewed them with their classes.
Thurs., Oct. 3 - Chalk it up to Respect; “Nishuane Rocks Respect”- Students and staff wore Nishuane gear; Morning Meeting Video; Classes did a read aloud, Do Unto Otters  and discussed and reviewed the ways the Otters wanted to be treated; how to show respect.
Mon., Oct. 7 - Respect Bulletin Board; “Stomp Out Bullying”- Students and staff wore blue  Morning Meeting Video; Students handed in their respect collages that they made with their families at home regarding “What Respect Means to Us” and held a gallery walk to view each other’s collages.  


students drawing in chalk

Mon., Oct. 7 - Words of Wisdsom on morning announcements and morning meeting (examples of respect, speaking kindly, following rules); Dress Up Day, Let Respect Shine! Students and staff were encouraged to wear bright, neon or sparkly clothes. 
Tues., Oct. 8 - Words of Wisdsom on morning announcements and morning meeting (Bucket Filling and helping everyone feel safe by showing respect. What does respect look like? Sound like? ; Dress Up Day, Peace Out to Bullying! Students and staff were encouraged to wear tie dye clothing. 
Thurs., Oct. 10 - Words of Wisdsom on morning announcements; Chalk art during recess for Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades; Dress Up Day, Team Up Against Bullying; Students and staff were encouraged to wear their favorite team/sports gear. 
Fri., Oct. 11 - Words of Wisdsom on morning announcements; Chalk art during recess for 1st, 3rd and 5th grades; Dress Up Day, We Are in This Together! Students and staff were encouraged to wear their Northeast gear or school colors.  


Watchung celebrated the Week of Respect with a variety of daily activities. Each day kicked off with daily morning announcements on topics such as respect, kindness, and tolerance as well as, teacher-led classroom discussions on what respect looks like and sounds like. Watchung also hosted a poster contest and theme days throughout the Week of Respect.
Mon., Oct. 7 - Students were encouraged to wear blue for “National Stomp out Bullying Day.”
Tues., Oct. 8 - For “Hats Off to people who show Respect” students wore their favorite hat to school.
Thurs. Oct. 10 - Everyone’s “Crazy Hair was on display to show we are all unique and different, and we should respect our differences.
Fri., Oct. 11 - “School Spirt Day” had all wearing Watchung gear to show that we are all a team. It was also Mix it up at Lunch Day! As students entered the cafeteria, teachers randomly handed each student a color-coded ticket that determined at which table the student would sit. The goal was to get students to sit with and interact with people they do not normally sit or interact with.

How Does Respect Grow - Schoolwide Project
Every child is a different kind of flower and all together they make this world a beautiful garden. Students will write a word or phrase on how they can help make respect grow at Watchung on a flower that will we will be used to make up a garden that will brighten up our hallways.

Buzz Aldrin

October 4, Buzz had an extended homeroom period with the advisory: Believe in Yourself Poem and Positive Affirmations Activity. Students read Aloud “Believe in Yourself” poem and described how they felt about it. Students also had the opportunity to write down one to three things they like about themselves. For the 101 Positive Thoughts and Affirmations Activity, students selected and wrote an affirmation on index cards and stuck them in their locker so that each time they open their locker, they can be affirmed or reaffirmed. During the Week of Respect, students from Start With Hello read anti-bullying quotes to start the day. On the final day, students viewed a Week of Respect PowerPoint presentation on anti-bullying and received a handout. 


respect activities

Glenfield held various activities during The Week of Respect and Safe Schools. Susan Wasilak's 9th period class created our "Respect is..." banner. All students of Glenfield Middle wrote their ideas of what respect meant to them and signed their names to honor their views on respect. 

Teacher Syreeta Carrington and other Teachers on Special Assignment conducted Restorative Justice circles for each grade throughout the week. Six circles were held with 30 kids in each circle. Superintendent Nathan Parker attended and sat circle with 8th grade students. Throughout the week, a poster and essay contest was held for all of Glenfield students to participate in. The poster contest theme was "Stomp Out Bullying," and students were allowed to creatively express this theme through the medium of visual art.

For the essay contest, students were challenged to write a 1-2 page essay about the person they respect the most in their life. One winner from each grade will be chosen for both contest respectively, and the winners will receive a visa gift card. Winners will be announced Friday October 18, during the school day.


Renaissance planned a month of activities aligned with its Restorative Justice model and advisories. 
October 1st - 4th: Start with Hello Start with Hello is a program created by the group Sandy Hook Promise. The goal of this initiative is have students understand the power of acknowledging their peers and the people around. That by just starting with hello, you open the door for all students to feel part of a community that supports them and that they could rely on if they found themselves in crisis. All morning minutes will be used to educate students and have them connect to this mission   
October 7th - 11th: The week of RESPECT and School Spirit Week Students had daily lessons connected with vocabulary and concepts to provide a common understanding of what it means to be a respectful member of society. The Student Council also designated it School Spirit Week and Thurs., Oct. 10 as Renaissance Middle School Spirit Day. Staff and students were invited to wear spirit wear or the school colors, blue and white.  
October 14th - 18th: Rediscovering Montclair The Renaissance Middle School Community decided to have its students rediscover Montclair as it is incredibly important for students to fully understand the history connected to how Montclair became such a diverse and dynamic town with a nationally recognized magnet school district. On Fri., Oct. 11, all classrooms watched the short, locally filmed movie, “Montclair, Our School, Our Town” and would be holding conversations about the movie the following next week. On Fri., Oct. 18, during advisories, individuals who can speak to students about their personal experience in Montclair have been invited.  

Montclair High School
Mon., Oct. 7 - WEAR BLUE - In recognition of the “Stomp Out Bullying” Movement, the following facts were presented over the loudspeaker about bullying:
●   More than one out of every five (20.8%) students report being bullied
●   Of those students who reported being bullied, 13% were made fun of, called names, or insulted; 12% were the subject of rumors; 5% were pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on; and 5% were excluded from activities on purpose
●   The reasons for being bullied reported most often by students include physical appearance, race/ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation
Tues., Oct. 8 - The poem “For a Bully,” by Eileen Spinelli was read; Students and staff wore hats to signify putting a lid on INTOLERANCE. Over the loudspeaker, students were encouraged to Make a CREED to be tolerant: Be CARING; Be REAL; Be EMPATHETIC; Be ENDURING; Being appreciative of our DIVERSITY; this fuels OUR STRENGTH.
Thurs., Oct. 10 - Building Blocks of Tolerance. Student Coalition and Student Council made bricks and hosted the event in the Annex Atrium, Amphitheatre and Cafeteria. Students wrote ways they can be more tolerant, show respect, and promote the message of anti-bullying. The blocks will then be posted in the corridor by the Main Cafeteria. A message of tolerance was read over the loudspeaker. Lunchtime music focused on tolerance and community and a MountieTalk was given by Dr. Julwel Kenney who spoke on “I am a Victor, Not a Victim.”
Fri., Oct. 11
- Mounties for Peace. Students and staff wore Mountie Gear to show unity and respect of the school community. Over the loudspeaker a message about respect was given and a quote by Thomas Monson read: “When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.”  
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