Registration Requirements

Proof of age: The original birth certificate or passport must be uploaded for all students at the time of registration. A child registering for the Kindergarten program must be at least five years old by October 1. A child registering for Preschool must be three years old by October 1.

Proof of Residence:
All persons coming to register children must bring four proofs of residency. Verification of a child's residency requires the presentation of:

  1. One of the following documents with a Montclair address:
    • Homeowner - Montclair Property Tax Bill or Deed (if home is newly purchased), and Domicile Questionnaire.
    • Tenant - The Landlord Statement, Current Signed and Executed Lease and Domicile Questionnaire; if residing as a tenant without a lease, a signed, notarized sworn statement of tenancy (affidavit) completed by the landlord.
    • Child is domiciled with Montclair resident other than parent - Affidavit Form A executed by Montclair resident and Affidavit Form B executed by parent or guardian.
    • Child and parent living with Montclair resident - signed, notarized sworn Statement of Residency (Affidavit) completed by the Montclair resident and parent or guardian.
    • Child placed in Montclair by court - court order placing child in home of Montclair resident.
    • Child placed in Montclair by Child Welfare Agency - document of child welfare agency ordering that child be placed in home of Montclair resident.
  2. In addition, any three of the following documents containing a Montclair address*:
    • Driver's license plus registration, plus auto insurance card;
    • Current utility bill;
    • Current cable television bill;
    • Current credit card bill;
    • Mortgage statement;
    • Official mail (bank statement, government correspondence: Internal Revenue, Division of Taxation, Social Security Administration);
    • Public assistance documents A.F.D.C. (Aid For Dependent Children) and W.I.C. (Women, Infants and Children);
    • Income tax return;
    • Voter registration card/records;
    • Unemployment benefit verification;
    • Recent paycheck/stub;
    • Documents to support Affidavit Forms A and B. Affidavits A and B are not available online but can be picked up at the Board Office.

*McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001. If you lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, please notify the Registrar.

Transfer Students
Students transferring from schools outside of Montclair Public Schools must:
1. Be signed out of the prior school at the time of registration.
2. Provide and official transcript (high school only), report card and standardized testing records. Students coming from a public school within the State of New Jersey must obtain and provide a transfer card with the State Identification number of the prior school and Release of Records Form.  Please download and complete the release of records consent form and upload during registration.
3. If your child receives Special Education Services, please email a copy of your child's IEP (Individual Education Plan) to [email protected] and the Special Education release of records consent form. All other related services (504 plans, ELL/ESL, I&RS plans, etc.) please forward those to the school that your child is placed in once a decisions has been made.

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