Montclair Schools Celebrate MLK Day of Service

Montclair Schools Celebrate MLK Day of Service
Posted on 01/23/2019
The 30th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast was held on Mon., January 21, at the George Inness Annex of Montclair High School. Students from the middle schools read essays reflecting on Dr. King’s perspective on the world today. Township residents, Township Council and Board of Education members, Montclair Public Schools administrators and township activists joined filled the atrium and enjoyed breakfast. Superintendent Kendra V. Johnson served as this year’s keynote speaker.

superinendent speaks at breakfast

Hillside, Nishuane, Northeast and Watchung held assemblies honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Glenfield and Renaissance rescheduled for a later date due to weather) and several hosted or attended service activities on Monday, where students and community members paid tribute to the civil rights activist with a variety of inspiring and educational activities during their “Day On” of service.

student writing letter to military

In the spirit of Dr. King, Bradford and Edgemont students and their families gathered together for a morning of hands-on volunteer opportunities to help others in the community and around the world. There were several stations/booths set up so that students can learn about different ways to help others in need. Activities included writing letters to active service men and women in the U.S. military, preparing soup for Toni’s Kitchen, decorating and stuffing tote bags for the children of CASA (a non-profit organization that provides court-appointed advocates for children in foster care), filling backpacks with food for Toni’s Kitchen “Healthy Backpack” program, and making peace cranes with Edgemont's Roots and Shoots Clubs. Bradford Principal Naomi Kirkman and Edgemont Principal Jeffrey Freeman their students.

student looks at paper crane display

The Charles H. Bullock School hosted its 16th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service. The program, “We Are All Created Equal” included memorable moments in history  and performances by P.A.C.E. Music Group (Preparing Artists for College Entrance), a 25-piece youth orchestra featuring an all-female trumpet section called “The Trumpet Chicks.” Activities focused on creating messages of peace and hope.

MLK Day performance

In honor of the legacy of Dr. King, Nishuane partnered with Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless (MESH) to host a variety of age-appropriate educational activities about engagement in community and giving back.

students write letters

Northeast Elementary School honored the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a presentation by Philadelphia’s Hip Hop Fundamentals, an educational breakdancing troupe. Students and families listened and watched as the themes of peace, love and unity were expressed through dance and music.

hip hop performance

Students from Buzz Aldrin Middle School took to the community for their Day of Service. Volunteers spent the morning helping at the MESH HOPE breakfast. In addition, students worked on Fri., Jan. 18 prepping for the breakfast.   

students assisting at breakfast

Watchung's students were encouraged to volunteer at Toni's Kitchen to help pack healthy backpacks and to participate in other local service events at Montclair State University and the Newark Museum to name a few.
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