This January, in acknowledgement of School Board Recognition Month, the Montclair Public School District extends a heartfelt thank you to its seven-member Board of Education team: Laura Hertzog, President; Franklin Turner, Vice President; and members Jevon Caldwell-Gross, Jessica de Koninck, Joseph Kavesh, Anne Mernin, and Eve Robinson. They play a vital role in the education of our students and they were honored at the January 10 Board of Education meeting.
School board members in New Jersey receive no pay for their service. They attend extensive state-mandated training that exceeds requirements for other public offices. More than 5,000 citizens serve on New Jersey’s local boards of education, making them the largest group of public officials in the state. Montclair Public Schools commends and recognizes the Montclair Board of Education Members for their hard work, dedication, and partnership outreach efforts with stakeholders ranging from parents, teachers, administrators, community leaders and state education officials. “Nothing is more important than our children’s education, and school board members provide countless hours of service to our community and schools in an effort to meet the needs of all students,” said Interim Superintendent Pinsak.
Board members were presented with certificates at the January 10 Board of Education meeting during which Interim Superintendent said, “We are proud of our Board Members and I would like to thank them for their service to our community and their mission and vision for our schools.” To read more about our board members, please visit our website.