Montclair Community Drive To Support Harvey

Montclair Community Drive To Support Harvey
Posted on 09/06/2017

The Montclair community is conducting a week-long food and supplies drive to support those affected by Hurricane Harvey. The drive is being coordinated by local food support organizations in collaboration with the Montclair Public Schools. Toni’s Kitchen, the Human Needs Food Pantry, the Salvation Army, MESH and First Seventh Day Adventist Church will be coordinating efforts to get basic food and supplies to those displaced by Hurricane Harvey.

Texas area food banks are requesting shelf-stable foods, diapers, cleaning supplies and toiletries as their most-needed items. The local community is encouraged to donate these items beginning on Monday, September 11, the National Day of Service. The drive will continue through the week and end Sunday, September 17. Donations will be gathered at the sites listed below. They will then be transported to the Community Food Bank of NJ. CFBNJ is coordinating with the Houston Food Bank and other Texas food banks and delivering these critically essential items.

Drop-off sites include: the Montclair Public Schools (for enrolled students only); Toni’s Kitchen at St. Luke’s Church, 73 So. Fullerton Ave.; the Human Needs Food Pantry, 9 Label St.; the Salvation Army, 13 Trinity Pl.; MESH at Hope Baptist Church, 6 Mission St.; and First Seventh Day Adventist Church, 15 Elmwood Ave. See individual websites for more drop-off information and hours.

“The Montclair community has expressed tremendous concern for those displaced by Harvey. All of us are receiving inquiries as to how to help. Doing this as a community will allow us to have a tangible impact,” said Anne Mernin, Director of Toni’s Kitchen.

Monetary donations are also needed and give the Texas Food Banks flexibility in purchasing priority items. Questions regarding the food/supplies drive can be directed to [email protected].

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