From left, Veterans Clarence Jackson, Terence Scantlebury, and Lance Corporal Kim Barrett answer questions from the floor.
On Wed., Nov. 9, Bradford School held a Veteran’s Day Ceremony with its third graders with special guests. The ceremony began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem.
“Not every country gives their citizens as many rights as we have,” said Principal Naomi Kirkman, who gave opening remarks. “Our service men and women help to protect those rights and they are very brave.”
Montclair Deputy Mayor Bill Hurlock was on hand and read the poem “Veteran’s Day,” by Cheryl Dyson. “It is important on Veteran’s Day to honor those who have served in the military,” he added. “I encourage you today and every day to thank them for their service to our country.”
Lance Corporal Kim Barrett, U.S. Marine Corps (Reserves) spoke about her experiences serving during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.
Also on hand were veterans Clarence Jackson and Terence Scantlebury, members of Montclair’s American Legion Crawford Crews Post 251. Jackson is a U.S. Air Force veteran and Scantlebury, part of the 369th Infantry Regiment, whose bravery during World War I earned them the nickname the Harlem Hellfighters.
Students asked questions ranging from what it takes to join the service to what it’s like being away from family for long periods of time. The program concluded with a group of students holding up individual signs that together spelled out “Thank You Veterans.”