Above: Kate Stanton Paul (l) and Leslie Wallace (r) welcome guests. Below, student Justin speaks about his experience in the program.
On Fri., June 10, the Montclair High School Transition Program hosted an appreciation breakfast for over 50 businesses and community partners who support the program. The Transition Program works with community partners to provide job opportunities for high school students who are classified as having special needs. The program, led by Kate Stanton Paule and Leslie Wallace, also works with students to prepare them for life after high school and daily living skills helpful for navigating their community.
"A big component of the program is to provide these students with work experience and prepare them with skills for the real world, " said Stanton Paule. "Our community partners are all volunteers who give their time to mentor. "
Students who participated in the program were at the breakfast to honor their mentors. Justin, who garnered at experience at several Montclair businesses including a convenience store, stationary store and the recreation center, said the program taught him "How to get a job, how to prepare for a job, how to manage my own time… but not how to pay my own taxes, " he added with a laugh.
Wallace said the program is home to a diverse population of students who have the opportunity to do a variety of different things. "There is no way we could do this without our partners and the community. We appreciate that you believe in our students. "
Below: Student Keanu Lee designed this piece of art. Bottom: It was a full house of staff, students and community partners at the celebration.
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