Northeast Students Show Their Geo Knowledge at Bee

Northeast Students Show Their Geo Knowledge at Bee
Posted on 02/09/2016


Above: Third grade champions, the Galaxy Girls with Principal Gail Clarke.
At right: Geo Masters hold up their trophies in triumph.

On Sat., Feb. 6, Northeast held its 14th Annual Geography Bee. The goal of the Bee is to get all Northeast students, from Kindergarten through 5th grade and their families, excited about geography and the world around us. In the months leading up to the Bee, students form teams of three and meet regularly to practice. Areas of study include geography terms, state capitals, general world geographical knowledge, manmade and natural landmarks, climate and topographical data and more. Each team is led by a parent captain and captains are also invited to participate in the Captain's Challenge round at the Bee.

This year, 48 teams comprised of 144 students participated, with four rounds each of grades K-2 and 3-5. At the end of the 4th round per division, a championship round was held. This year, the K-2 Geo Bee Champions were the Geo Masters: Lara Anthony Anastasia Zarenin and Angelina Zarenin.

The 3-5 Geo Be champions were the Galaxy Girls: Murielle Bryan, Nicola Murungi and Isabel Pierre. These 3rd graders are looking forward to their grand prize -- a limousine ride into Manhattan to enjoy a "behind the scenes" tour of the Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division at the New York Public Library. The winners will be able to work as Citizen Cartographers for the day and enjoy a NYC lunch before riding back to school in style!

In addition to all the work that the teams and parents put in, the Geo Bee is the result of countless hours of work by many volunteers including co-chairs Lili Knutzen and Julie Clemens, Master of Ceremonies Matt Knutzen, a host of Northeast teachers acting as judges and facilitators (Mr. Dey, Ms. McCann, Ms. Hermida, Ms. San Marten, Mrs. Alday, Ms. Cantada, Mr. Garcia, Mrs. Frank, Mrs. Garvey, Ms. Lawrence, Ms. Malizewski, Mrs. Platzman and Mrs. Viereck), Principal Gail Clarke and all the wonderful volunteer and committee members.

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