MFEE 23rd annual Toast to the Teachers

MFEE Celebrates 23 years of Toast to the Teachers
Posted on 04/30/2019

TheMontclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE) will celebrate its 23rd season of Toast to the Teachers between May 28 - June 26.

MFEE Toast to the Teachers is a long-standing tradition of the Montclair Public Schools. These family-hosted parties not only celebrate and honor those who nurture and shape our children, but they also help raise critical funds to support teacher grants that fuel classroom innovation.

Every dollar raised from Toasts allows MFEE to award approximately $75,000 in Educational Excellence grants each year either as classroom-based initiatives or school-wide programs. Toast dollars fund everything from cutting-edge STEAM equipment to flexible seating that increases student focus to school-wide enrichment programs to inspire writers. These grants empower teachers to drive innovation in their own classrooms, and they foster a culture of creative teaching throughout the district.

Plus, Toasts show our teachers how grateful we are that they nurture and educate our children. Eli Siebert, a 3rd grade teacher at Hillside School, says, “My favorite part of being honored with an MFEE Toast is the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. It is truly flattering to be recognized and honored by the people you’ve worked so hard with all school year. As a teacher, all you want is to have a positive effect and a Toast is a beautiful way to illustrate that.”

MFEE Executive Director Masiel Rodriquez-Vars adds, “ When you see children publicly thank their teachers at these events and when you witness the creative learning that stems from Toast proceeds, you recognize why this tradition is so important to our school community. We deeply appreciate all who host Toasts, as they are the heart and soul of these events.”

Families who would like to Host a Toast to help MFEE raise funds and to honor an amazing educator, may do so by filling out this registration form.

Families are also encouraged to Attend a Toast to celebrate the Toast Honoree and raise funds to support Educational Excellence grants. A listing of all the Toast can be found here.
After a positive response last year, MFEE will again offering a TOAST PASS for $125, which allows 2 adults and their children to attend as many toasts as they'd like!

Families who can’t host or attend a Toast, but still want to fund innovation may donate here. On the page, you’ll see a sample of the resources that your donations help fund. 100% of your donations to Toast to the Teachers 2019 will fund an Educational Excellence grant submitted by school staff.

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