Now in the third week of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Montclair students are learning and moving forward with their schoolwork thanks to our dedicated and talented teachers who are finding ways to engage and connect with their classes. Our parents and caregivers have been especially supportive during this difficult time and took a moment to share with us their virtual home classrooms.
Rayhan Yousuf, fifth grader at Bradford Elementary School, on with Mr. Finnerty for math.
“Mr. Hart’s (Hillside) entire class screamed with joy when they saw
him for their first Zoom session. It was a painfully sweet moment and
brought me to tears. You are all doing an amazing job. We are so

Watchung student Scarlett Moran in Mrs. Donovan's first grade class working on math.
Sisters surrounded by snacks while they work.
These Bradford siblings enjoy a Spanish lesson with Senora Grodner.
Nishuane first grader Hunter Johnson practices using the keyboard.
story and photos from
Baristanet on how Montclair High School students are coping with the new normal.
Parents and teachers – please continue to send us your snapshots of your students’ virtual learning to
Jennifer Fusco. We would love to highlight the amazing work you are all doing!