The Montclair Board of Education held its Reorganization Meeting on Monday, May 18, 2020. Each year the Board is required, by statute, to reorganize its activities and swear in any new members during the mid-May meeting.
There were no new members sworn in during the meeting; however, outgoing Board President Eve Robinson announced that the Board has adopted a new leadership rotation designed to assure stability and continuity in the future.
In this new format, Board members will be expected to rotate leadership positions each year, including officers and committee chairs, so that every Board member has an opportunity to participate in all aspects of Board functioning. To that end, the Board voted to elect Latifah Jannah as the Board President and Priscilla Church as Vice President. Committee chairs will be named later by President Jannah.
Outgoing President Eve Robinson commented that this new rotation system was created through the unanimous agreement of all six current board members in order to grow leadership and ensure smooth transitions for new members.
Said Robinson, "I was honored to serve as Board President this year and look forward to working with Ms. Jannah and Ms. Church as they embark on their new roles. I am confident that they will do an excellent job."