Restorative Justice Montclair and the Montclair Education Association will co-host a discussion – How to Talk to Children About Race and Racism – on Wednesday, June 10 at 4 p.m. via ZOOM.
“As educators, community leaders, and human beings, it is our obligation to continue to engage in these important conversations,” said Gayl Shepard, Restorative Justice Coordinator for the Montclair School District, who will moderate the conversation. “The future of racial justice is on the line. It is vital that we continue having these conversations so that we can turn this moment into a sustainable movement.”
Joining Ms. Shepard will be a panel of educators, advocates, and clinical specialists.
The panelists will respond to, and take comments from, the public, via the ZOOM chat option.
Petal Robertson, Montclair Education Association President is the ZOOM meeting contact; details below:
Topic: How to Talk to Students K-12 about Race/Racism
Time: Jun 10, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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