Conversation: What Does it Mean to be an Ally?

Conversation: What Does it Mean to be an Ally?
Posted on 06/17/2020
What Does It Mean To Be An Ally, a Community Conversation focusing on what white people and non-black people of color can do to support racial justice in our schools and community, will be held on Thursday, June 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. This Community Conversation, hosted by the Montclair Education Association (MEA), is open to the public; details to join on ZOOM are below.

“In order to turn this moment into a movement, where all of humanity has a stake and responsibility to fight for racial justice, we must have these difficult conversations and discuss tangible ways to move from ally to co-conspirator,” said Petal Robertson, MEA President.

We hope this Community Conversation turns those on the sidelines into active participants for change, with concrete ways to support,” said Robertson The Community Conversation will be hosted by Ms. Robertson and include the following panelists of students, educators, and activists:
Peter Creekmore - Music Educator, Jazz Musician, Anti-Racism Activist
Lizzie Nahra - Montclair Middle School Student
Kathleen Quinn - Educator, South Jersey Social Justice Coalition, Activist
Margaret Saraco - Educator, Writer, Social Activist
Candace Wells - Community Partner, Montclair High School Alum

ZOOM DETAILS: Petal Robertson, President of the MEA, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: What it Means to be an Ally Time: Jun 18, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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