Montclair High School’s End the Stigma club recently visited the Montclair elementary schools to “Chalk the Walk,” writing positive affirmations to welcome all students for week two of hybrid learning. The End the Stigma club is comprised of about 70 MHS sophomores and advised by art teacher Brienne Kvetkus. End the Stigma previously did this project around town and it received rave reviews, according to Assistant Principal Mirta Alsina. See them at work in
this video.
“Thank you to Ms. Chelius, Ms. De Meo, Ms. Kenny, Ms. Carrington and Ms. Anderson for volunteering,” said MHS Principal Jeffrey Freeman. “Special thank you to Ms. Kvetkus and the students for coordinating the event.”

“Hillside students were so excited to see the positive messages and well wishes. (see above) We’ll feature some of the designs in our yearbook this year,” said Principal Samanthaa Anglin. “Thank you, End the Stigma club for the ‘Chalk the Walk.’”
“Edgemont students, staff and parents including the Administration were surprised to see and read the words of encouragement. Thank you for this initiative,” said Interim Principal Mike Chiles.
“Stakeholders as Bradford School enjoyed the beautiful and inspirational chalk art. (see above) Thank you, End the Stigma Club,” said Interim Principal Marcos Vargas.
“Agreed it was awesome!” added Watchung Principal Patrick Krenn. “Kids loved the hop scotch as they walked up.”
Read about another one of the club’s