An educational and tasty experience, Bradford’s annual Pesto Fest, which took place on October 19, gives students the opportunity to sampling delicious pasta with pesto made from the basil grown in the Bradford garden. Bradford’s outdoor and environmental learning projects, including gardening, are integrated into the science curriculum. Students plant and harvest nutritious foods throughout the year and celebrated their efforts at Pesto Fest by wearing green and enjoying the fruits of their labor.
The same day, the University Magnet’s kindergarteners and first graders were treated to an amazing performance from college students at the University of Cote d'Ivoire in West Africa. They came to Bradford because they were visiting Montclair State University and the office that was hosting them told them about the school’s partnership with MSU so they volunteered to perform.
Bradford also received a “First Step” commendation (along with Edgemont Montessori) from New Jersey Safe Routes to School for its commitment and support of the program encouraging students to walk and bike to school. The schools were honored at EZ Ride's 35th Anniversary and Annual Anniversary & Recognition Event on October 18.