Montclair High School freshmen took part in the first of a series of activities organized by the Ninth Grade Academy Team and facilitated by freshmen teachers and senior mentors to transition them into high school life. Freshman Seminar is an opportunity for ninth graders to expand on the topics addressed during Freshman Orientation. Students participate in social emotional activities, study skills, and organizational strategies. Senior mentors are volunteers who received training in June, August, and October.
Yesterday’s seminar began with reviewing ground rules for group activities (Respect/Risk, Openness, Participation/Pass, Education, Sensitivity/Safety) and participating in ice breakers. Next students had an opportunity to give feedback on their needs and what they would like to know more about at MHS. This helps counselors tailor future programming for them. They were introduced to Naviance, the online resource they will have access to throughout their high school career which features various tools that will assist them in exploring aspects of themselves including: learning style, college and career interests, and helping understand post-secondary options.
In addition, students completed the Learning Style Inventory Assessment tool which helps them learn their sensory and mindset preferences to help develop study practices. They had a brain break activity lead by the senior mentors before moving on to a quick check in on “How Well Do You Plan?” Students were provided with a booklet, “Freshman Seminar Resource Packet,” that includes various tools to help in planning and studying.
Wrapping up the seminar was participation in a project to create the Ninth Grade Academy Quilt – Building our Community. Each student gets to make a paper square for their homeroom quilt. This year’s theme is “REDI for HS – Respect, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.” Quilts will be posted by each homeroom. “Response from our students overall was good,” said Assistant Principal Eileen Gilbert. “It falls at a good time to check-in with 9th graders after the year has started.”