Last week, Watchung’s Science & Technology Magnet was on full display at its Family STEAM Night with fun experiments, hands-on learning and passionate teachers planned by Watchung’s SATp Magnet Committee in partnership with the Watchung PTA. Watchung’s STEAM teacher Drury Thorp led the Float Your Boat station where students built foil boats to withstand the weight of as many pennies as possible before they sunk. Technology teacher Ravan Magrath and Principal Patrick Krenn co-led a station featuring Stop Motion Animation where students utilized Chromebooks to create their own story with an underwater scene. Watchung collaborated with the Montclair Learning Center for a SLIME-making station , and the Montclair High School Robotics Team dazzled students and their families with a demonstration of their robot. Assisting with the event, were 10 very helpful middle school volunteers from Buzz Aldrin, many of whom are Watchung alums. The event was very well received and the school is now gearing up for a Science Festival in the spring, with funds from its recently awarded National PTA STEM grant.