Montclair Public Schools and Hackensack Meridian Mountainside Medical Center are launching a partnership to provide free medical services for all Montclair residents at Hillside and Glenfield schools starting this winter.
The new collaboration will allow residents across town to receive health screenings, referrals, and vaccines at no charge after school hours. Mountainside Medical Center will also offer a lecture series on common health problems like diabetes and hypertension.
“We want schools in Montclair to serve the community in ways that complement their core educational mission, which includes providing school-based health services for free to students and their families and caregivers,” said Superintendent Jonathan Ponds. “I’m thrilled that Mountainside has agreed to help us take this important first step.”
"The hospital is committed to the healthcare needs of our community, both in and outside of the hospital setting. Collaboration with community partners like Montclair Public Schools allows us to understand and advance the well-being of our community,” said Tim O’Brien, CEO of Mountainside Medical Center. “We are happy to support this initiative.”
Hillside and Glenfield Schools each have space for the clinical resources needed to support the initiative, whose details are still being planned. The District will provide updates in the coming weeks and widely advertise the new services when they become available.