The Seven (7) Rs of Restorative Justice

  1. RESPECT - Form a community that encourages mutual respect.

  2. REMIND - When we (students) get off track, give a whole class reminder.

  3. REDIRECTION - Individual small group direction (Use a neutral tone of respect, dignity, and honor for the individual(s) who may be impeding the learning process.

  4. REFLECT - "What can I do to support you”? Self-Advocacy gives student the opportunity to write/communicate their needs. (Take two minutes for a one-on-one conversation)

  5. REFER - When all other steps have not worked you may want to communicate, “Today we are unable to get back on track… (Do not use the words remove or refer)

  6. RESTORE/REPAIR - After a time of separation, review what happened, do not hold grudges; connect with student through RJ circles (possibly infuse the family), the message must be “We are on your team!”

  7. RESET - Provide a new opportunity remembering restoration begins with the acknowledgement of harm. It may not be in the form of an apology; the goal is for students to take responsibility for their behavior, own and acknowledge remorse.
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