Today, the District held an official signing of a Project Labor
Agreement (PLA) that ensures that union workers will be hired to work on projects of $5 million or greater as supported by the Bond Referendum project schedule. The PLA was approved at the Board’s September 6 meeting. “We are pleased to be partnering with Essex County Building Trades Council to ensure we have reliable, skilled and experienced labor to work on our school projects,” said Superintendent Jonathan Ponds. “Getting these major construction projects completed for our students and using local labor unions is gratifying.” Mr. Rocco Lepore, President of Essex County Building Trades Council and Council Representative for Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, along with officers of the building trades, and Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin were present at the signing along with District Administrators.
Lepore stated, “One of the goals of a PLA is to get local building trade members work near where they live, which is beneficial for them and their communities.” With a PLA the District has a binding agreement that will be a manageable way of bringing all responsible parties together affording reasonable costs, maximizing safety conditions for both workers and the public, encouraging diversity of the local workforce, and offering a higher level of accountability.
Business Administrator Christina Hunt said, “The District is fortunate to have this PLA agreement as we move forward with large projects. Setting high standards where the responsibilities of the District and the contractor are determined before starting any project will lead to successful outcomes and greater accountability.”
The first contract through the PLA for the construction of a new Baseball Field was awarded to Flanagan’s Contracting Group, Inc., and approved at the November 1 Board Meeting. Construction is expected to begin later this month with a target completion date for mid-March.