MPS & SEPAC Co-Host Acadience Webinar

MPS & SEPAC Co-Host Acadience Webinar
Posted on 11/09/2021

The Montclair Public Schools, in partnership with the Montclair Special Education Advisory Council (SEPAC), will host an Acadience Reading Webinar for all parents and caregivers in the district, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 7-8:30 pm.

Acadience Reading is a standardized universal screening assessment whose measures are quick and easy to administer and most importantly, aid in the identification of students in need of intervention in the area of reading. Acadience Reading makes it easier to detect K–6 students who are at risk for early reading difficulties in order to provide timely instructional support and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties. During the first hour of the webinar, Susan Miller, a certified provider of Acadience Reading and the Assistant Director of the Ann Robinowitz Education Center, accredited by the International Dyslexia Association, will provide an overview of assessments, compare and contrast the assessments used in public schools and delve into the purpose and design of the Acadience Reading Screener. At the conclusion of the presentation, attendees will be able to ask Miller questions regarding the assessment tool. Additionally, questions specific to Montclair programming will be addressed by Dr. Kalisha Morgan, Assistant Superintendent for Equity, Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Marcos Vargas, Director of Humanities (K-12) Dr. Jill McLaughlin, Director of Elementary Education.

“I applaud SEPAC and our teams in the Pupil Services and Equity, Curriculum and Instruction Departments for collaborating on this forum for parents and caregivers. Reading is an essential gateway skill that will propel students towards success in all their studies,” said Superintendent Jonathan Ponds. “Whether you have a child in Special or General Education, learning about reading interventions and our practices are incredibly important. I believe a strong partnership among the administration, our teachers, and our parents and caregivers will be invaluable for improving literacy for all students.”

Added the SEPAC leadership team, “SEPAC is excited to collaborate with the district to provide parents and caregivers with an opportunity to learn more about Acadience, Our two main goals for this webinar are to help members of our community better understand why so many school districts across the country have been using this screening tool for decades and to help parents and caregivers be informed partners who can collaborate with school staff to identify K–6 students who are at risk for early reading difficulties and ensure that they receive timely instructional support. Ultimately, we believe this important information can help prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties for many students.”

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