Montclair Celebrates Walk & Bike to School Day

Montclair Celebrates Walk & Bike to School Day
Posted on 10/03/2019
Montclair students and their families celebrated the annual International Walk & Bike to School Day on Wed., Oct. 2 as they traveled on foot, bicycles and even scooters on what felt more like a summer day than a fall one. Several elementary schools participated in special events to mark the day, designed to promote health and safety. Some students met at a designated spot and walked as a group to school; others were joined by their parents who also rode their bikes. They enjoyed healthy snacks provided by the PTAs and some even had the opportunity to get energized before school with a lawn dance party. Here is just a sampling of what took place around the district.

child on bike with training wheels  father and daughter on bikes  child on scooter with crossing guard

boys lock up bikes  families walk to school  students at healthy snacks table


principal with students  students walk to school  families walk to school


students lock up bikes in rack  student with crossing guard  students dance in front of school

students dance in front of school  students sign poster  child rides bike to school

The Partnership for a Walkable America sponsored the first National Walk Our Children to School Day in Chicago in 1997, modeled after the United Kingdom’s walk to school events, and communities around the United States have been celebrating Walk to School Day ever since. The event was established as “International” in 2000, when Canada and the U.K. joined with the U.S. to celebrate. Communities and schools use this day as the first step to change community culture and to create options for getting around that are more inviting for everyone, both young and old.

Some reasons to support walking and bicycling to school:
It’s fun — walking and bicycling bring a sense of joy and independence;
It encourages healthier habits — the trip to school is a chance for children (and adults) to get the physical activity they need;
It promotes a cleaner environment — Replacing car trips to school with walking or bicycling can reduce congestion and air-polluting emissions;
It promotes safety and supports neighborhood connections.
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