Nishuane students and their families, including Principal Jill McLaughlin and her own daughters, participated in UNCF New Jersey’s 1st annual 5K Walk/Run for Education in partnership with The KAT Team Foundation
on September 22, 2018 in Bloomfield’s Brookdale Park. The event was a
way to raise funds for local college-bound students and provide
scholarship support for both organizations.

The Nishuane team raced and raised money for a good cause.
"Our first Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds committee event was
a hit and we raised $955 dollars for UNCF,” said McLaughlin. “We were
one of the top fundraisers in the race and we had great fun for a great
For more than seven decades UNCF has raised more than $4.8 billion
and helped more than 450,000 students and counting not just attend
college, but thrive, graduate and become leaders by awarding more than
10,000 students scholarships, worth more than $100 million, each year,
providing financial support to 37 historically black colleges and
universities, and by serving as the nation's leading advocate for the
importance of minority education and community engagement.
KAT Team's mission is to create a scholarship fund for young adults
throughout the United States and increase literacy in underserved
communities. Its goal is to promote excellence and to assist individuals
who excel academically within their community achieve their career
goals, an objective which has the added benefit of bettering the
community at large.