Watchung Hosts STEAM Week

Watchung Hosts STEAM Week
Posted on 05/23/2024
Watchung hosted a STEAM Week with three rotating stations (science experiment, math crack the code project, and STEM Career Discussions), two assemblies (dinosaur fossil show and a meteorologist with a portable weather studio for a TV Weather broadcast), six tornado-themed Art Contest winners, six Science Bee contests (with a winning classroom for every grade), a Science Fair put on by the 4th and 5th grade students, and a STEM+Families Festival put on by our SATP Magnet Committee.

STEAM fair STEAM event weatherman visit

The Saturday Festival incorporated a number of community partners including Montclair High School's Robotics Team, a variety of departments from Montclair State University leading stations, Science Two Students (S2S) organization, the Montclair Public Library, the Montclair Fire Department taking the Egg Drop Contest to new heights, and a number of volunteers from Buzz Aldrin Middle School to assist with the stations. 

fire department egg drop STEAM event STEAM event

“The students loved getting to participate in school-wide hands-on science projects and the teachers were appreciative of the variety of activities throughout the week,” said Principal Patrick Krenn. “Overall it was a big success and we hope to do it again next year!”
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